Attorney General's Chambers and Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Attorney General’s Chambers and The Ministry of Justice provides indispensable legal services in promoting and protecting rule of law, justice delivery and good governance. On the other hand, the satellite institutions also provide value added legal services to promote and protect human rights, good governance and the rights-based approach to justice delivery. The autonomous partner institutions are non-governmental organizations that are involved in human rights issues that fall under the purview of the Ministry.


Civil Litigation & International Law Department
The Civil Litigation and International Law Department is mandated to provide legal services to Government in all areas of public....

Criminal Prosecution Department
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is under the Criminal Prosecutions Department and it is inter alia, saddled with two main responsibilities;

Curator of Intestate Estate Department
This department is headed by the Curator who is responsible for the collection, management and administration of intestate estates.....

Registrar General's Department
The Registrar General's Department is comprised of the following: Intellectual Property Registry, Deeds Registry and Marriage Registry....

Companies Department
The Companies Department under the Ministry of Justice is responsible for registering various categories....

Legislative Drafting Department
The Legislative Drafting Department specialises in preparing all government bills in accordance with current best practices in the field....
Latest News
The Ministry of Justice with the support of USAID, Democracy International, and Gambia Bar Association, on Wednesday, 18th October 2023 conducted a validation workshop with stakeholders on the Special Prosecutor’s…

Published Legal Opinions - Civil